Simple Truths March 2022

March 25, 2022

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What’s definitely up for transparency in 2022 is power…what defines it and how it is used. The world’s in an energetic storm, and everyone is affected by it.  It will be with the world for a while and can affect your thoughts, sense of stability and feeling grounded.  As I mentioned in the video, it’s important to watch where you are directing your attention and life force.  Beware of negative distractions that can suck you dry.  Time for yourself to be in your own rhythm is essential.

Changes are afoot…revolutionary changes!  These will be at both collective and personal levels.  You may find yourself wanting to speak up more or take action in certain areas you’re drawn toward.  It may feel easier to do this, and it can/will change things.  We are most assuredly the ones we’ve been waiting for.  Wait to feel the sense of motivation coming from inside you as to what you want to do.  Trust your heartfelt sense to guide you rather than the endless stream of information coming at you with its own agenda. You alone know why you came to the planet at this time.

Community is coming up as key.  Relationships will likely be forming/intensifying or waning.  Keep your connections in present time, and be sure they are working for you and the bigger good.   This is an exciting time to be alive.  You’re being called to participate!