Simple Truths, April 2024

April 12, 2024

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The world is currently dancing between two realities, one is darkened by manipulation, misinformation and polarized actions/beliefs.  It wants to hold on to the way things have been.  The emerging reality is creating itself as it grows and isn’t quite sure what it is or how to unfold itself, which can create feelings of uncertainty and the lack of a safe haven.   The simplest way through is to stay in the present moment and know what’s right in front of you is exactly what you’re being asked to do.  These actions will help you strengthen and refocus.

Just a reminder you are a human being.  Other than in religious communities, there may not have been much of a reminder about the “being” part of you.  Today with robotic and AI technology emerging, it’s important to remember this connection to your body and humanity so in the future you can maintain the incredible energy your soul brings to the planet.  You’ll feel this more strongly as you deepen your intuition/knowingness and feel a rising compassion and trust.

Don’t forget in times of change and ensuing uncertainty, it’s important to acknowledge and feel the shifts of the transition.  Take time for yourself, and seek out support from friends/community.  You are not the only one experiencing this, and there’s no prize for going it alone.