Simple Truths April 2022

April 25, 2022

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April is definitely a no-nonsense month. Last month I spoke of changes occurring at both the collective and personal levels. This month initiates the meeting of the spiritual and material worlds precipitating those changes. You are bringing your changing body through the delivery portal into a New Earth resonance…. a New Earth timeline/reality. The energies coming in through our bodies while in this portal might feel like enduring a crash landing. There could be feelings of anxiety and being ungrounded, unsettled or destabilized. It could feel like pieces of yourself are scattered, leaving you unfocused or unable to keep a train of thought. You are still recollecting up parts of yourself and putting yourself together on this new timeline, which will allow you to anchor into life more fully. But you need time/space to do this. Once you settle into this new frequency, you’ll be able to move forward feeling whole again. Once again, this is a time to focus on self-care. Getting yourself up and moving to do something physical that makes you feel happy or productive is supportive. You are coming fully on board to access new information about yourself and glean an awareness about directions in which to move forward. Hang on. It will get lighter!