Simple Truths May 2022

May 22, 2022

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This month finds humanity experiencing new and continuing adventures. For many there will be a strong sense of vulnerability, which can feel uncomfortable. But from this will reemerge a new strength and sense of empowerment. It’s one of the contractions I mention in the video that precedes an expansion of light and awareness. Be as present as you can with it. Self-care continues to be center stage. Stay connected with people who inspire and uplift you. We need each other to share our gifts and wisdom to keep us buoyant. You can also plug into outside sources, like podcasts and music, to bring you up. Make it a priority. Our psychic skills are opening and uniting with our physical abilities. Again, stay present as there will be multiple opportunities every day for new awarenesses. Notice your dreams as well as you may find yourself working through fearful situations so you don’t have to work them out in your waking life. Be sure to set boundaries around your self-care if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Know when it’s time to step back from the world and get your balance back. Observe your state, and be a model of self-care to yourself and others!