Simple Truths July 2022

July 11, 2022

The most pressing energy of July is that of “cosmic reconnection”, the reconnection of your cosmic and physical selves.  This is the reconnection of the human and being parts of you to create a completely partnered human being working as one.  This action will heal the fracturing created from flip-flopping between personalities/realities, which will zero out your genetic lineage programs and collapse/rewrite programs aligned with your original purpose to be here on the planet..  As such be prepared to become aware of behaviors and patterns you see yourself doing which may no longer feel like a comfortable expression of yourself.

This transition into partnership and wholeness means getting to know yourself on a deeper level while becoming more connected and intimate with our human level.  As we learn to navigate being in the world but not of it, you’ll likely notice the world around you will morph to reflect this beautiful, dynamic reflection of yourself.

Wishing you a smooth month of cosmic reconnection and preparation for the anchoring in of this partnered version of yourself in the physical world supported by the August Lion’s Gate.