Simple Truths, November 2023

November 10, 2023

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November 2023 Energy Update

We continue to see low vibrational energies surface on the planet, encouraging us to stay in the status quo.  While this is playing out, more and more people are gaining clarity amid the chaos.  It’s not a comfortable process because there is fear/pain to be felt around this change.  Be reminded good things and new ways of doing things are coming.  New possibilities are around the corner.  The clearing away of old beliefs and habitual ways of thinking creates space for the new.

Expect a deeper level of awareness and knowing this month.  It may feel a bit different for each of you, but there will be a deeper sense of knowing what you’re being drawn toward.  It’s not generally a shocking revelation but rather more like a startling clarity around something you’ve already known or suspected.  You might want to give yourself some space this month to let this land and do something with it.

At the risk of being redundant, it is so important to continue to be your own best keeper.  These are tender times, and we are all in daily recovery.  Don’t be reticent to withdraw and hibernate if you feel the calling.   Be at one with your own joy and be focused on it.  Being balanced starts on the inside.  Feed this part of yourself.  It is essential!