Simple Truths, July 2023

July 07, 2023

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This month the Universe is supplying us with several supportive energies. One is around financial balance/sovereignty which will help counteract current financial constraints/ controls. This will support an opening for new creations around financial systems locally and globally, providing clarity and changing your personal relationship to money.

Compassion and kindness are also up for an energetic boost. Our culture hasn’t historically supported these attributes in all arenas, so during the next month or so be motivated to express your own version of what this means to you.

If life seems to be moving at a comfortable pace for you, stay the course. But if it all seems to be moving through you too quickly, take a breath. Ask for space from the Universe if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Take life at a pace that works for you. You don’t need/want to be operating in overwhelm.

And be aware in the coming months/years you’ll process many changes. Consider what you want to create and how you might want to redirect your life to get there. What are you ready for? Putting your attention on the present moment and knowing/sensing what you’re ready for will draw creations into your life effortlessly and with grace.