Simple Truths, January 2024

January 09, 2024

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January is coming in with a roar to prepare you for reorganizing and revamping your life. It’s designed to both wake you up and ground you to get things moving. Solar, electrical, masculine energy is upon us, which will spur you into creative action. It’s a mover. Trust you are here for a reason. Your presence is not random. If you’re not sure of where/what you’re being called to do, watch what comes up in your daily life. Your direction will become apparent, and you will feel joy in following it. This will likely happen in new areas rather than extending what already exists.

This month carries a strong push to disconnect from old programming about how to be or think. In its place will arise a new level of knowing what nurtures, feeds and excites you. This will help you let go of what’s no longer needed and move you toward what does. This push will not only feed you physically and emotionally, it will feed your soul. This soul food will open your intuition and communication with your spiritual guides. If you’re not already aware of them, you’ll likely become so and be clear they have always been here to support you.

Trust is a huge personal and global agenda rearing its head in January and throughout all of 2024. There will a lot of information coming up to cause you to question what has been manipulated and/or hidden from you. These disclosures will help you to discern and make decisions more carefully in the future. While some revelations may induce fear, they will go a long way to help you to deepen your trust in yourself. That trust could open an inclination to speak up more, set clearer boundaries or follow your intuition. Whatever comes into your awareness, it will promote a deeper trust and strength in yourself.