Simple Truths, August 2023

August 11, 2023


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Intense forward momentum will be strong for the next two months.  This will help things begin to fall into place.  Be open to take steps in potential new directions and practice allowing new beliefs and ideas into your life.  Inspiration will likely follow.  Remember no matter how challenging life seems, it is happening FOR you, not to you.

If you haven’t noticed it yet, be prepared to tire and become bored with the stories going on in the world.  Often you have to get sick and tired of something to change the energy around it.  We are leaving behind a long period of seeing ourselves as victims and starting to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and do something to change it.  The world is hungry for leadership.  For you this could look as simple as sharing a perspective in a conversation or as life changing as signing onto a completely new direction to be of service to yourself and others.  It is the sign of a revolution of the heart coming through humanity.  Be open to it!