Simple Truths August 2022

August 10, 2022

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This month during the time period of the Lion’s Gate (8/8) followed by the Aquarius Super Moon (8/11) until 8/14 will provide amplified energies to cement the foundation for following your heart in 2023. These frequencies will unzip the compressed file of your soul. You’ll witness and feel into parts of yourself you were forced to hide away in order to fit into the container of a limited human life. You’ll begin reclaiming/welcoming these gifts back into an empowered felt awareness, and the experience of them will change your life. It will no longer feel comfortable playing small, dimming your light, living in lack or accepting less than you’re worth. Your creative power will no longer be overridden, and your now free magnetic energy can/will attract what you need to create your own independent, self-sustaining livelihood. It’s what many of us have patiently been waiting for, and the time is now! Here’s wishing you a peaceful transition as we ride the wave back home!