Simple Truths, September 2022

September 10, 2022

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Here we are at the four-month gateway into 2023, and we’ve been settling into our new identity shifts. Be prepared for actions by yourself and others to continue to open you. Some actions could be personal while others may be on the world stage. Remember big actions, even if they seem done without heart, are an opportunity to heal and engage with yourself or the world differently. Your nervous system will be recalibrating, and therefore you’re likely to make different choices to engage or not engage with people or opportunities.

There is huge heart energy coming onto the planet so you’ll likely be drawn to connect with those where you feel more love and deep connection.

Psychic abilities are revving up to new levels growing your awareness. New friends and partnerships will arrive in your life as a result of this new awareness and the space you’ve created around it.

Chaotic events and chaos in general will continue. The good news is detaching from it is easier, as is connecting to others with more peace/respect and less inclination to compete/resist.

Major awakening occurs during these next few months. Remember to give your mind a break from trying to figure it out or fix it. Relaxing is the new strength and stepping back allows the Universe to do the work for you!

Take a deep breath and enjoy September!