Simple Truths January 2022

January 30, 2022

Energy Update January 2022

2022 is the beginning of a new energy cycle, one which brings fresh momentum to bring creations into the physical world.  This will launch full force in February.  This is not to say some people are not already moving along, it simply means that many of us could take a final moment to clean out, clear up, create space and deepen into what you are drawn to and what no longer resonates.   This pertains to things, relationships and habits no longer working for you. 2022 is the first of the three upcoming quantum leap years where partnership between the so called spiritual and physical will come together. They have never really been separated, but we have experienced them as such.  As the vails of separation disappear, life will appear to change and change again in the blink of an eye.  Being clear and present will make this shifting the most fun. These shifting events will be leading you to where you are going.  Also, be mindful of your increasing sensitivity as some tech advances come into question as being good for the body.  Above all, remember self-care is no longer optional.  You must be present and in your body to be your best advocate for yourself and the world.  Ask yourself “What is my next step?” and “What is calling me forward?” Note again the energy in February will pick to manifest into the physical, and this will become more of the outside world’s normal look.