
energy reading

I’ve been able to read energy ever since I can remember.

I was always intuitive or “knowing.” (You can read my personal story further down on this page.) Over many years, I studied and developed clarity and certainty about my skills, allowing me to excel at my work. My awareness is the catalyst that opens possibilities for safe healing and energy movement for my clients.

My intuition and developed skills form the backbone of my neutrality, the ability I have to separate myself from the emotions of my clients so that I can see what is truly happening for them. You might say that I enter into a light energy trance.

I communicate clearly with the unique Higher Self of each client, speaking exactly what wants to be conveyed to provide next steps. This gift supports my passion to help women move into greater confidence, validating their spiritual journey through a shifting world.

While it is widely recognized that many emotions and needs drive the physical body, the pursuit of experience in the school of life is what drives spirit. Spirit pursues growth, and spirit only grows when recognized and validated.

Growing Up Aware

I spent my childhood intensely observing relationships, wanting to understand how the world worked. I saw that many people were playing a role and not being their true selves. I soon attempted to look and act like everyone else in order to feel accepted. Part of my role was college graduation, marriage, two children, and a becoming a teacher.

That role was exhausting. Was I using my life force energy to hold together my “normal” appearance? Yes, I was. I decided to stop pretending and use my own life force to uncover the life qualities I had been hiding.

Trusting in Change

What was my next step? I asked the Universe for help and was answered. I became aware that I would make major changes in my life, including leaving teaching to start my own business. I knew energetically that everything would fall into place, as needed. My clients would find me. Feeling a deep sense of trust, I left teaching, divorced my husband, and started in a new direction.

If you are interested in knowing more, I look forward to talking with you.