I’ve had several readings with Terrie, and I’m always in awe of her accuracy

November 13, 2015

I’ve had several readings with Terrie, and I’m always in awe of, not only her accuracy, but also her ability to translate what she receives in words that help you ‘GET IT’.

Indeed she is a catalyst for growth on such a profound level, and anyone who gets the blessing of receiving her gifts will most likely have a transformational experience.

She has taken intuitive and life coaching to a whole new level through her compassionate nature and her ability to perceive and receive on such deep levels of consciousness and awareness, which equates to deep wisdom.

I simply describe Terrie as “clear” as she doesn’t beat around the bush, but calls it as she sees it while keeping a flowing heart resonance.

Many family and friends have received readings/healings from Terrie, and they feel as I do… seen, empowered and transformed.

Patricia S.Kentfield, CA