Simple Truths November 2022

November 04, 2022

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The overall theme for November is how fast the energy is moving.  Changes and shifts are happening at a pace that your mind may be unable to follow.  Keeping yourself in the present moment with your body and doing tasks that need to be done sitting right in front of you can keep you feeling safe and grounded.

Some of the biggest triggers for discomfort are the power shifts going on both globally and personally creating a sense of instability. These are designed to stir up emotions to be healed.  There is also a process of great humbling as we learn some of our perceptions and truths about ourselves and the world are not quite what we thought they were.  If this happens to you, release any judgment you have about yourself.  Humans were never designed to be perfect.  We are in the school of life and learn through our so-called “mistakes”.  As they say in the theater when the unexpected happens, “Accept and advance”.  We are players on life’s stage.

And finally with all these shifts, the opportunity has arisen to choose a new vision for yourself, especially if you find yourself in a gloom and doom perspective.  Ask yourself, “Why am I alive?  What did I come here to do?”  You might find yourself in a quandary about this and not have any clear idea.  Be patient with the process and trust it will lead you where you want to go.  The journey we are on was never for the feint of heart.  It is for those with the courage to change their lives and the world into a better place, and it is happening.