Simple Truths, June 2024

June 08, 2024

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Changes are afoot, and they are coming more quickly than ever. You may find yourself changing midstream with what you want, who you chose to be around and/or your priorities. Those priorities may be shifting to more basic ones, such as feeling secure, your connections to others or having a safe home base. Whatever’s happening, remember you are in a life altering process. Be patient with it and yourself.

Know there are strong balancing energies at work right now to stabilize denser lower frequencies on the planet. With these at work, there will be some quick turn arounds ahead. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to make a difference in some way, maybe speaking up or helping out. Maybe something you’ve had your attention on will finally resolve itself. Stay open to “miracles” or the unexpected happening around or within you.

There will be an unfolding in the next months of new information around climate change and our place in the Universe. This will illuminate what is happening on our planet and give new perspectives to help us move forward in our thinking and actions. Be sensitive to the agendas from all sources of information, but know the greater truth is coming forth.

Know beyond a shadow of a doubt your positive thoughts and prayers are having an effect on our world. You may not feel you’re seeing an effect, but know they are making a difference. And if you feel called to do so, keep these positive actions coming.