Simple Truths February 2023

February 11, 2023

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Your rebirth continues in February with an opening awareness of feeling uncomfortable with old habits/roles. Some of these might be behaviors you’ve been doing for years, such as caretaking others or holding everything together. The change can be your choice or it can come at you with no warning. Remember nothing is random, and while you may not understand why certain changes are happening, you’ll likely look back and see why/how they supported your growth. The process of change can be scary or unsettling so take time to let things unfold in their own timing.

Not only is change happening personally, it is active on a collective/planetary level. There’s tremendous momentum carrying you forward to a new lightness of being, which is causing you to drop dense energy no longer being utilized by the body. Both you and the Earth are birthing new lives/identities, and there is a purging of emotional denseness creating space for new beginnings. Resistance to change can make you feel afraid to let go so only hold on to what’s useful and working.  February energy will support this process.

This month continues to support the disclosure and transparency around global control energy.  It will help people see through information, actions, groups and systems not working for the good of the collective but merely supporting its own agenda. Humanity is entering a time where more of this agenda will be revealing itself. There may be a good deal of shock, grief and anger about what is revealed. The anecdote is to stay focused on your present goals, taking care of yourself and those around you. It’s simply the ending of your old life and the beginning of a new one.  Trust you’ll be supported through this doorway.