Simple Truths, April 2023

April 07, 2023

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April brings in a huge wave of masculine solar light that supports the new feminine directed heartfelt agenda. This light is a “let’s get moving” energy opening space for humanity to feel a sense of hope /motivation as well as shining some light on pain points needing to be released on both a personal and collective level. Personally, this can be challenging as you acknowledge behaviors or habits no longer serving you.

One of these habits may be pushing or taking responsibility for making things happen. Instead of pushing, try opening to trusting in the perfect timing of events and redirect your energy from worrying/resisting to creating/manifesting something that brings you joy. Trust in the grace of Universal timing to know any small heart-felt action you feel directed to take has a strong effect on you and humanity. You are an important puzzle piece in the bigger picture, and every puzzle piece is needed. We are in this together!

Be mindful that judgmental energy is on the way out. This isn’t about critical thinking, it’s about the judgmental blaming/rejecting of others or yourself. This energy is rearing its ugly head to be recognized because it cannot survive in our new heart-based humanity. We’re experiencing its slow death and the release of this programming on a cellular level. It’s like an inherited disease/program for many of us. If you’re judging yourself, you’re getting in your own way. Remind yourself you’re always doing your best and can unfold your life differently in the future. Above all, remember we are students in the school of life.

Tapping into your intuition is happening big time on the planet. There are messages coming into us from everywhere. Listen and look for them. Intuition and spirit are speaking to you so it’s important this month to pay attention and be present to what’s showing up around you. It may seem like magic, but trust me it is not. It is intentional communication and personal to you.