How to Promote Awareness
We last closed our eyes and felt into the numerous things grabbing our attention. You might include your thoughts and worries too. How many of these are externally driven? How many of them are internal?
Our culture trains us to put our attention outside of ourselves, giving it to people and things that demand it. How can you direct more of yours into and onto yourself and your goals?
The simple truth is awareness.
Here are a few tips that will help you follow your attention and promote awareness:
- Put up colorful Post-Its saying, “Where is my attention going?” Place them on your computer, bathroom mirror, in the car, and so on. Each time you read one, simply notice, without judgment, where your attention has been.
- Take it a step further. Each day make a list of two or three tasks you want to complete. Keep them visible, perhaps using Post-its again. Focus on them. Reward yourself each time you complete one!
- Get enough quality sleep. Notice the difference it makes in your perspective and actions!
- Eat lightly. Much of our energy goes into digestion. Each time you eat lightly, notice whether there is a positive impact on your ability to focus.
- Keep a nightly journal, being mindful of where, with whom and how you are cultivating awareness. Then create your list of two or three goals worthy of your attention for the next day. Remember to keep it simple and realistic. Again, Post-Its may be useful.
- Sit quietly for a few minutes or meditate. Watch where your attention goes. Call it back to yourself whenever you notice it is no longer focused productively.
By becoming aware, you break patterns and have more of your energy for yourself.
Be patient!
By following these suggestions, you are actually reprogramming neural pathways. It takes time to gain control of your own focus! Let your awareness do the work, and enjoy real change.